If you’re interested in collaborating, need videos created, or just fancy a chat, feel free to reach out. I’m always open to new opportunities and conversations!

It’s normally best to get hold of me on social media. Alternatively, you can use the contact form below, or email me at


Ollie Moto at the famous Dades Gorge in Morocco.


Before contacting me, you might find my FAQ answers your question.


Is this your full time job?

No, but maybe one day.

I realise that, currently, my content release can be a bit sporadic. Balancing my video projects with other commitments is sometimes challenging, particularly when the Ollie Moto income doesn’t fully cover the mortgage. In fact, it’s nowhere close. However, I am working hard elsewhere, behind the scenes, to transition Ollie Moto into my full-time career. Your support and engagement are crucial as I strive to make this endeavour a reality.

Thank you in advance. Remember, good things come to those who wait!

Can I come riding with you?

As much as I’d like to ride with everyone who asks, it’s often difficult to find the availability. That isn’t to say that I don’t want to though, and if you have something particularly interesting in mind then let me know. Who knows, perhaps we can even make a video together!

Do you offer motorcycle tours?

Not yet. Ask no questions, hear no lies…

How did you learn to make videos?

I am completely self taught. My video creation journey includes a lot of trial and error, and YouTube was very useful. I’ve also had the benefit of learning from other filmmakers along the way. Thanks to those of you that have helped!

What equipment do you use for making videos?

I personally handle every aspect of my content creation, from filming and editing, to graphics and animations.

When it comes to filming, I rely on a couple of GoPros and my “posh camera,” a Panasonic G95. Depending on the task, I might also use drones, microphones, and external lighting. The limited space in motorcycle panniers encourages me to keep my gear to a minimum.

For editing, as someone who is fully integrated into the Apple ecosystem, I utilise a MacBook Pro, Final Cut Pro, and Motion. I use a Blue Yeti microphone for narration.

Where can I view your privacy policy and website terms?

If you really want to, you can have a read of my Privacy Policy and Website Terms. It’s a thrilling read.



To put it briefly, no, but being a YouTube person has opened doors to various opportunities. Many collaborations with major brands, access to riding gear, and exciting motorcycling adventures have come my way.

While I’ve been fortunate to work with significant names in the industry, I’m not currently exclusive to any particular brand. If you have exciting opportunities or collaborations in mind, feel free to reach out, and let’s explore the possibilities together.

"I'm a fellow influencer. can we Collab?"

Absolutely. Give me a shout with your ideas. There’s always a way to scratch each other’s backs in this game!

Do you offer any other Motorcycling services?

I have experience presenting at festivals, contributing to magazines, organising educational courses, and conducting motorcycle workshops. I also offer medical services, in motorcycling and other arenas, through my company, Neece Medical.

If you have a project or opportunity in mind, whether listed on my website or not, don’t hesitate to contact me. I am always open to new opportunities and have received continual positive feedback for my previous ventures. Let’s connect and explore potential collaborations.


do you provide first aid kits?

For companies and larger teams, I currently supply medical equipment through my company, Neece Medical. My usual clients include those who work in specialised arenas, requiring bespoke products, and I have also provided products to motorcycle tour and media companies.

While I’ve received regular inquiries about personal motorcycle first aid kits, normally following on from my episode on the TAMPodcast, this product is still in development. Once released, I will be sure to let you all know, but in the meantime please be careful what you buy. A lot of products currently on the market use sub-standard items, or just bulk their bags with excess bandages and therefore may not be fit for purpose.

I am committed to bringing my product to the market, but only when it meets the high standards expected from a professional medical clinician. In the meantime, if you are looking for bespoke items, then please feel free to contact me with your requirements.

Can you tell me more about your first aid training courses?

Similar to my approach with first aid products, my first aid training courses are often tailored to meet specific client needs. I’ve conducted training for motorcycle tour companies, journalists, and individuals, both in the UK and overseas. These sessions typically cover a wide range of medical skills, catering to both basic and advanced levels, when necessary.

Being a motorcyclist myself, I understand the scenarios and potential injuries often seen in this sport. My Motorcycle First Aid Course, suitable for the majority of riders, is designed to encompass all the essential skills you might need to respond effectively in an emergency. This specialised course is crafted to equip motorcyclists to administer medical care to a fellow rider in case of illness or injury. The curriculum includes a mix of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practical training, ensuring participants leave with the confidence and competence to apply first aid when required. 

If you or your organisation are interested in first aid training, please contact me, and we can discuss how I can meet your specific requirements.

What are your medical qualifications?

As a HCPC registered Paramedic and qualified educator, I bring years of experience teaching medicine at an advanced level in both military and civilian sectors. My role as a current medical clinician ensures that my knowledge, and consequently, my teaching, remains up-to-date, relevant, and reflective of the latest advancements in the field.

If you are seeking high-quality, current, and applicable medical education or services, I am well-equipped to meet your training needs.


How do I return an item?

I gladly accept returns within 28 days, provided they meet the criteria outlined in my Returns Policy. Feel free to review the policy, and if you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me for resolution.

What is your delivery time?

I strive to dispatch your gear promptly, usually within 5 working days for UK orders. However, please note that if I’m off on a motorcycle adventure, there might be a delay. It’s a good idea to check my Instagram before placing an order to ensure I’m available!


If you’re outside the UK and interested in purchasing my merchandise, I’m more than happy to arrange international shipping. Please reach out to me before placing your order, and I’ll provide you with the relevant shipping costs. Be aware that customers are responsible for any customs or import duties upon receiving items.

My merchandise is proudly showcased by people worldwide, including Canada, Australia, Morocco, and Nepal, among other locations, and I’m excited about expanding its presence to even more places. What country can you tick off for me?


You can contact me by completing the form below.